Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Here is a woman who is doing something like Hope for Henry for a little girl, Nina, who died of FA. It is called Books of Love.


Here is how she describes it.

To give a child the enjoyment of a book is priceless! In 2006, our friend Nina, who was only 3 1/2 years old, died from Fanconi Anemia (FA). The passion and joy that she brought out of each person that she touched was overwhelming. During her short life, she spent many days at Doernbecher Children’s Hospital. The books in the waiting room and recovery rooms helped her escape the stress of being in the hospital. We want to continue to celebrate that passion for books.

They are trying to collect 500 books. I will definitely send one. Maybe "Pierre."

I helped Mom set up a blog for the Foundation. Here is a video that I posted of an event that Cousin Michael put together at Georgetown. I was really proud of him.

He totally honored your memory while making a lot of kids happy.

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