Tuesday, June 15, 2004

It has been a long time since I have written you. I have been thinking of stuff to tell you and writing notes to myself all this time. I even had one post that I wrote to you about Joe splitting his head open and going to the hospital, but that seems to have disappeared.

Here goes.

This was Jack last night. Does that shirt look familiar? I was in his room and there are piles of clothes that Aunt Tracey gave back to us now that they are too small for Sam. I am psyched that your shirt is still around. I think you must have had a few of these.

I showed the shirt to Joe and he said, "Batman." Smart kid, huh. While we were getting ready to read books before bed he looked at a photo of you that I have on my night table. I said "This is Henry. Can you say 'Henry.'" Joe said "Hen - y" He just can't put the "r" in your name, yet. I told him that Henry is Joe's brother. Just like Jack. Nothing like totally confusing the little guy. I said Henry is your brother; he just isn't here any more.

Joe said "Oh, Henry went home."

That's a good place for you.

Joe is now old enough for books with stories. He used to only like books with pictures, animal pictures of course. Now he sits through Horton Hatches the Egg, Green Eggs and Ham, Go Dogs Go, Guess How Much I Love You and a other good books like these. I love reading to him at night.

Jack is a really good reader himself now. I have him read a short book and then I read to him from one of his series books, like Magic Treehouse or Maximum Boy. You never read any Maximum Boy books, but you would have like them.

Jack loves playing piano. He had a recital a few weeks ago with Michael and some other students.

Jack is playing the Looney Tunes theme song now. He is really good. When I was a kid I wouldn't practice or go near the piano unless Grandma or Papa Teddy told me I had to. Jack is the opposite. He is always playing. Mom and I have to remind him not to play too early in the morning because that wakes up the neighbors.

I'll write more about Jack and Joe in just a little bit.

I'm glad you're home.

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